The Ebola Virus disease ( Evd) is as popular as the dreaded HIV and aids infection. Ever since the virus reoccurred in west Africa, fear and terror has filled the atmosphere, as the dreaded Ebola virus has claimed millions of lives, and have led the fall of the economy of nations. However, the Ebola virus which was successfully wiped out in Nigeria, transcended itself to the United state of America through a citizen who travelled to Liberia. As efforts is being taken by the government of the united States to combat the dreaded Ebola virus disease, the citizens are also advice to take precautionary measures, the precautionary measures include, regular hand washing, avoiding close contacts , keeping the environment clean etc.But a question is ask, wearing Ebola protective gear in your daily activities among the precautionary measures?. A U.S citizen was spotted with a full Ebola protective gear, which include hand gloves, complete body gown, mask and a safety boot, to board a plane in Dallas. No wonder they say "the fear of Ebola is the beginning of wisdom":ebola virus as aided the increase of wisdom of the people. who would have thought that someone will dress like a space man in order to board a plane at Dallas Washington D.c.

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