The common English dictionary defines information as things
that are or can be known about a given topic; communicable
knowledge of something; a subject matter.
The world we live in today is a complexity of different topical
situations, developments, forms, transformations and
As we go through life, different things happen every day,
some we understand and so many more we do not clearly
understand. Everyday thousands of researchers are
supported with billions of dollars all over the world to tray,
find out new things, make new discoveries and generate
fresh information on different subject matters including
people, geographies, animals, weather and climate, sickness
and diseases, space travel and the galaxy, agriculture and
food supplies, marine life, natural resources, science,
technology and even the spirit realm. The world is extremely
complex and interconnected and the ability to manage this
planet effectively will be determined by how much facts
we're able to generate.
Information is power, once you know and understand a
subject matter, you have power over it. You can manage,
control and manipulate it. Being well informed and having
adequate knowledge on how to drive a car makes driving
pleasurable and easy. One who does not know how to drive
sees his attempt to drive as dangerous and a threat to is life.
Flying a plane to a good pilot is a piece of cake, to a novice
like me; I don't even want to find myself in a cockpit because
i don't have a clue on how to fly one.
When you lack the facts on a subject matter you're weak
against it. A man with intentions to woo a woman he loves
must know her first before making his intentions known if
not he may just be hitting the wrong buttons. The fact that a
girl loves to go to church on Sundays does not necessarily
mean she hates to club on Friday nights. And the fact that a
guy is always tucked in shirts and ties does not mean he's a
gentle man. Mini-skirts, low neck tops, piercings and tattoos
do not mean a girl is immoral, and ankle length baggy skirts,
turtle neck tops and head ties doesn't mean a lady is not
What makes information imperative and research necessary
in this life is because nothing is ever as it seems. You can
never judge anything on face value. All things in life work by
principles and rules, to understand anything, manage it and
gain from it you must know the rules by which it operates
and thrives. The surface is only a cover; it's what's inside
that counts. A gentle flowing stream may have crocodiles
beneath and the tallest palm tree may have no kernel fruits
on it.
Nothing is ever as it seems. Many of us married today will
surely agree with me that there were more to our spouses
than what we saw before we got married.
However as important as information is, the danger of
information is misinformation. When you are wrongly
informed about any subject matter there is abuse, misuse
and danger lurking. If you're misinformed about for instance
a medication, a wild animal or insect, a treatment or
equipment, it could kill you.
If you're misinformed about people, a community, a culture
and nation you judge wrongly and miss the opportunity to
benefit or gain from such a people.
What can be worse is if you're misinformed by people you
trust and believe in it can affect you for a long time or even a
Many fail to reach their full potentials today and achieve
greatness because they were misinformed by their parents,
caregivers, spiritual leaders, community leaders and even
the media. These informants of course did not misinform
their victims deliberately. They were actually sincerely
wrong. The information or knowledge transferred is most
times based on their own experiences, exposure, fears and
The danger in misinformation is the power it possesses to
set your mind. May i say to you this morning my friend that
your mindset is an outcome of the totality of information
gathered over the years; whether correct or incorrect?
Your reasoning, choices and judgments are based on a
combination of knowledge and information gathered on all
subject matters over the years. This in effect influences your
choices, personal adventure; aggression; believe system and
attitude to life.
Your attitude to work, to money, to success, to marriage, to
children, to old age and life issues in general is determined
by what you know.
The way you treat your spouse, children, friends, siblings,
neighbours, colleagues, superiors, subordinates, domestic
servants, the less privileged and the rich is on the bases of
what information you've gathered and you believe about
these people.
The way you see yourself, your esteem, dress sense,
associations and interaction decisions is a function of
Information is powerful, information shapes lives and
destinies. Information has the power to form, reform, deform
and transform you.
No child just grows and turns out by chance; we are all
formed from information. Our behaviours are not automatic,
they are formed from information.
That's why we are solely differentiated on the bases of
environment and upbringing. Our environment formed and
shaped us.
If an individual has been wrongly informed however, and is
exhibiting negative and unproductive behaviours if such a
one is exposed to superior argument and proof on a subject
matter, he or she can be reformed.
If on the other hand an individual was properly informed and
has been living with a particular conviction, such a one can
also be misled and misinformed and if he believes it, his
behaviours and attitude becomes deformed.
Our daily lives are a process through which information is
gathered daily, utilized for expected results.
If you're not getting your expected outcomes based on
information gathered, you may have been misinformed.
When people all around you are experiencing desired
breakthroughs and results based on certain information and
you're not, it could mean your information is wrong,
incomplete or has been applied wrongly.
The nature of the information you consume also affects your
output and productivity and by extension your capacity to
grow and succeed.
I've come across many people in career who were very
excited and grateful when they got their appointments or
employments. They were enthusiastic and felt privileged to
get the job. After a while the kind of information they chose
to take in and retain begins to colour their perception of
leadership, processes and performance. I hear many people
in employment complain bitterly about their companies and
every day they keep saying to themselves ‘ I'm going
nowhere here, this place is not for me, I hate this job, this
company is going to crumble, there's nothing for me here,
I'm only here for my salary and all such negative and
unfortunate comments.
Some other ones in the same company based on what they
hear and believe say to themselves, I love this place, i love
my job, this place is fantastic, there are issues but we can
solve them, we can win, we can overcome our challenges,
we can be the best, we have what it takes, we have it in us,
I'll support my team, winning we shall.
Information, influence, attitude and performance are all liked
Get the right information, check every fact and be double
sure it's the truth, get into form, don't be deformed, be
reformed and experience real transformation.
All that you know and believe is it really the truth? Do you
really believe you're destined to be backward, poor, broke
and irrelevant? Do you really believe you cannot overcome
your poor background, academic deficiency, incompetence,
ignorance and low life?
If Nelson Mandela was born into and raised in an orphanage
as a child and he's today one of the greatest men , then i
challenge you to review your beliefs, separate the lies from
the facts then you'll truly know how much you're worth and
how far you can go. One truth about you I'm super convinced
about this morning is the fact that you're unlimited, you're
unstoppable; nothing and no one in life can stop you but
you. Whatever you believe apart from this i guarantee you is
a lie. This one information is powerful, believe it and use it.
Enjoy your day.

that are or can be known about a given topic; communicable
knowledge of something; a subject matter.
The world we live in today is a complexity of different topical
situations, developments, forms, transformations and
As we go through life, different things happen every day,
some we understand and so many more we do not clearly
understand. Everyday thousands of researchers are
supported with billions of dollars all over the world to tray,
find out new things, make new discoveries and generate
fresh information on different subject matters including
people, geographies, animals, weather and climate, sickness
and diseases, space travel and the galaxy, agriculture and
food supplies, marine life, natural resources, science,
technology and even the spirit realm. The world is extremely
complex and interconnected and the ability to manage this
planet effectively will be determined by how much facts
we're able to generate.
Information is power, once you know and understand a
subject matter, you have power over it. You can manage,
control and manipulate it. Being well informed and having
adequate knowledge on how to drive a car makes driving
pleasurable and easy. One who does not know how to drive
sees his attempt to drive as dangerous and a threat to is life.
Flying a plane to a good pilot is a piece of cake, to a novice
like me; I don't even want to find myself in a cockpit because
i don't have a clue on how to fly one.
When you lack the facts on a subject matter you're weak
against it. A man with intentions to woo a woman he loves
must know her first before making his intentions known if
not he may just be hitting the wrong buttons. The fact that a
girl loves to go to church on Sundays does not necessarily
mean she hates to club on Friday nights. And the fact that a
guy is always tucked in shirts and ties does not mean he's a
gentle man. Mini-skirts, low neck tops, piercings and tattoos
do not mean a girl is immoral, and ankle length baggy skirts,
turtle neck tops and head ties doesn't mean a lady is not
What makes information imperative and research necessary
in this life is because nothing is ever as it seems. You can
never judge anything on face value. All things in life work by
principles and rules, to understand anything, manage it and
gain from it you must know the rules by which it operates
and thrives. The surface is only a cover; it's what's inside
that counts. A gentle flowing stream may have crocodiles
beneath and the tallest palm tree may have no kernel fruits
on it.
Nothing is ever as it seems. Many of us married today will
surely agree with me that there were more to our spouses
than what we saw before we got married.
However as important as information is, the danger of
information is misinformation. When you are wrongly
informed about any subject matter there is abuse, misuse
and danger lurking. If you're misinformed about for instance
a medication, a wild animal or insect, a treatment or
equipment, it could kill you.
If you're misinformed about people, a community, a culture
and nation you judge wrongly and miss the opportunity to
benefit or gain from such a people.
What can be worse is if you're misinformed by people you
trust and believe in it can affect you for a long time or even a
Many fail to reach their full potentials today and achieve
greatness because they were misinformed by their parents,
caregivers, spiritual leaders, community leaders and even
the media. These informants of course did not misinform
their victims deliberately. They were actually sincerely
wrong. The information or knowledge transferred is most
times based on their own experiences, exposure, fears and
The danger in misinformation is the power it possesses to
set your mind. May i say to you this morning my friend that
your mindset is an outcome of the totality of information
gathered over the years; whether correct or incorrect?
Your reasoning, choices and judgments are based on a
combination of knowledge and information gathered on all
subject matters over the years. This in effect influences your
choices, personal adventure; aggression; believe system and
attitude to life.
Your attitude to work, to money, to success, to marriage, to
children, to old age and life issues in general is determined
by what you know.
The way you treat your spouse, children, friends, siblings,
neighbours, colleagues, superiors, subordinates, domestic
servants, the less privileged and the rich is on the bases of
what information you've gathered and you believe about
these people.
The way you see yourself, your esteem, dress sense,
associations and interaction decisions is a function of
Information is powerful, information shapes lives and
destinies. Information has the power to form, reform, deform
and transform you.
No child just grows and turns out by chance; we are all
formed from information. Our behaviours are not automatic,
they are formed from information.
That's why we are solely differentiated on the bases of
environment and upbringing. Our environment formed and
shaped us.
If an individual has been wrongly informed however, and is
exhibiting negative and unproductive behaviours if such a
one is exposed to superior argument and proof on a subject
matter, he or she can be reformed.
If on the other hand an individual was properly informed and
has been living with a particular conviction, such a one can
also be misled and misinformed and if he believes it, his
behaviours and attitude becomes deformed.
Our daily lives are a process through which information is
gathered daily, utilized for expected results.
If you're not getting your expected outcomes based on
information gathered, you may have been misinformed.
When people all around you are experiencing desired
breakthroughs and results based on certain information and
you're not, it could mean your information is wrong,
incomplete or has been applied wrongly.
The nature of the information you consume also affects your
output and productivity and by extension your capacity to
grow and succeed.
I've come across many people in career who were very
excited and grateful when they got their appointments or
employments. They were enthusiastic and felt privileged to
get the job. After a while the kind of information they chose
to take in and retain begins to colour their perception of
leadership, processes and performance. I hear many people
in employment complain bitterly about their companies and
every day they keep saying to themselves ‘ I'm going
nowhere here, this place is not for me, I hate this job, this
company is going to crumble, there's nothing for me here,
I'm only here for my salary and all such negative and
unfortunate comments.
Some other ones in the same company based on what they
hear and believe say to themselves, I love this place, i love
my job, this place is fantastic, there are issues but we can
solve them, we can win, we can overcome our challenges,
we can be the best, we have what it takes, we have it in us,
I'll support my team, winning we shall.
Information, influence, attitude and performance are all liked
Get the right information, check every fact and be double
sure it's the truth, get into form, don't be deformed, be
reformed and experience real transformation.
All that you know and believe is it really the truth? Do you
really believe you're destined to be backward, poor, broke
and irrelevant? Do you really believe you cannot overcome
your poor background, academic deficiency, incompetence,
ignorance and low life?
If Nelson Mandela was born into and raised in an orphanage
as a child and he's today one of the greatest men , then i
challenge you to review your beliefs, separate the lies from
the facts then you'll truly know how much you're worth and
how far you can go. One truth about you I'm super convinced
about this morning is the fact that you're unlimited, you're
unstoppable; nothing and no one in life can stop you but
you. Whatever you believe apart from this i guarantee you is
a lie. This one information is powerful, believe it and use it.
Enjoy your day.

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