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Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Oscar pistorius case over.

A south African athlete Oscar pistorius who killed his girlfriend on the eve of the 2013 Valentine's day, has been sentence to a fives year jail term by judge Masipa. His sentence was impose culpable homicide , which means that the person was not intentionally killed , but the act is unlawful .

The prosecuition had sort for a ten years jail term but the defendant pleaded for a five years jail term, for which he will serve at home for three years performing community service under stricts supervision. The ruling judge Masipa said that any sentence on pistorius case should draw a balance between the criminal and the effect on the society " yes the accused is vulnerable but he has an excellent skill , excelling in his field as a south African athlete" she said

Oscar pistorius , a south African runner though both his legs were amputed below his knees when he was 11 months old, but he still competes at event for a single below knee ampute and for able body athletes. Steenkamp his girl friend was shot dead by him in his home on the Eve of Valentine. She was a graduate of law school and a model in the making. The paralympian said in his defence that he mistook steenkamp for an intruder in is house. Pistorius was also charged for lies and the possession of fire arms by the court. Oscar said that he didn't see the person he shot because he had fire the shot through the toilet door, but he had no evidence to proof his confession.

The parent of the late steenkamp said that the are please with the judgement of Masipa and the sentence, which put an end to the case. Oscar 's lawyer Barry Roax said that his client was expected to served for 10 month jail terms, after which he will be serving in his house under strict supervision for the remaining months.

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