She may seem charming and cute. She may even
be flirty and just the perfect girl you’ve been
waiting for.
But is this new relationship leaving you confused
and low on confidence?
She tells you she loves you, but the way she
behaves seems otherwise. Is she using you?
Every now and then, you may meet a girl who
seems to fit snugly into the dream definition of a
perfect girlfriend.
But if you ever feel a flicker of confusion in those
first few weeks, chances are, she’s using you or
she’s just put you on her waiting list until she
makes up her mind.
Is she using you? – The signs
It’s frustrating to realize that you’re being used,
even when you’re trying to be a great boyfriend or
a sex buddy.
She may try to convince you that she truly loves
you and wants to be with you, but five minutes
later, her behavior may change and she may just
act friendly all over again.
Ever been there? Read these signs to find out if
she’s using you.
#1 She wants her space… a lot!
Are you dating a girl who clings to you for a few
days, and then completely ignores you for the next
few days? While playing hard to get may excite a
guy, this is pushing the game too far.
Every time she ignores you or pushes you away,
you may find yourself falling more madly in love
with her. On the other hand, she’s probably
interested in a few other guys or sleeping with
them, just to work out her options. When a girl
claims to love a guy, and yet avoids the guy
completely for a few days every now and then,
there’s a good chance there’s another guy in her
#2 Behaves like a friend
Does your new girlfriend behave like a friend now
and then? She hugs you and cuddles you, and then
pushes you away and tells you it’s all happening
too fast and she’s not ready for it?
Ouch, any girl who behaves like a girlfriend but
prefers to stay friends is obviously using your love
and affection to feel better about herself.
#3 Her friends don’t know you
When a girl uses you, there’s a good chance you’re
never going to meet any of her friends. But if you
both do bump into a good friend of hers, does her
friend even realize who you are?
And if you see her with a group of her friends and
not one person recognizes your name, you’re in
serious trouble of being played into a game of I’ll-
#4 You’re not introduced as a boyfriend
This is a no brainer here. But it’s something most
guys in love almost always forgive and forget.
Have you ever been introduced as just a friend? If
she’s convinced that you’re the man in her life,
she’d proudly display you like a primped up puppy
in a dog show. But if she’s just using you, there’s a
very good chance that you relationship status will
remain as friends.
#5 She’s confused about your relationship status
Now she may be genuinely confused about the
kind of relationship both of you share, especially if
she’s just broken up with her guy or is still in a
relationship with some other guy. But the point is
she’s confused.
If she truly does love you, there’s nothing to be
confused about unless she’s still in love with
another guy. If that’s the case, you’re not the
winner here. You’re the scapegoat filling up the
blanks when her boyfriend or another guy doesn’t
have the time for her.
#6 She talks about her complicated love life
Do you spend more time consoling her or telling
her how the mistakes in her life aren’t really her
fault? Girls who end up using guys are confused
women who want to be reassured and loved all the
time. She may be losing the love of her own guy,
and may want you to reassure her about her own
relationship and fill her life with happiness and
extravagant gifts.
And yes, she wouldn’t mind cuddling up with you
once in a while for all the nice things you’ve been
doing for her. This is seriously messed up!
#7 She makes out but only when she wants to
You may sweet talk her and take her out to
expensive dinners, all in the hope of getting some
love and appreciation back from her. And of
course, a little bit of making out too.
But if you’re in love with a girl who’s using you,
nothing really matters. She’d let you dance on hot
coals almost all the time and make out with you
only when she feels like it. She initiates it and she
ends it, at her whims.
Her excuse: I’m still confused about my feelings for
you/for my own boyfriend/the three other guys in
my life.
#8 She dominates the relationship
Does she call you up whenever she feels like it, or
asks you to meet her at her whims and fancies? A
girl who throws her weight around a guy knows
she’s already got him wrapped around her little
finger. Don’t ever be that guy. You’d end up
shattered almost all the time and you’d lose all the
confidence you have.
Turn the table around and throw her around a
bit. Two things can happen here. She’d take you
more seriously, or she’s walk out of your life.
Either ways, it’s a good thing for you.
#9 She wants you to listen, but not the other
way around
Are you in love with a girl who loves talking about
her own life and her little problems? Does she tell
you about how bad her ex boyfriend was and why
she had to cheat on him just to show him she has
other options? Or does she confess to you about
making out with a few other guys and wants you
to tell her she’s not wrong and that she did the
right thing?
And on the other hand, every time you try telling
something to her, does she forget all about it or
feign drowsiness?
A girl who only wants to talk and feel good about
herself isn’t in love with you. She’s using you as a
priest to feel good about her own shortcomings. If
she did love you, she’d be more interested to know
about you and your life than whining about her
own guilty confessions.
#10 She’s in another relationship
Almost always, relationships where the guy is
being used starts off with conversations about
complicated love lives. The girl you like may
already be in a relationship, and with each
conversation you have, both of you may fall more
in love with each other. She wants to go out with
you, she loves to talk to you, and she can’t wait to
spend time and make out with you.
But she doesn’t want to leave her own boyfriend
or end her relationship with him. She tells you
she’s not happy, but she doesn’t do a thing about
If you find yourself experiencing any of these signs
that you’re being used, you better walk out of the
confusing affair before you end up with a broken
heart. After all, she’s probably got a few backups
with whom she’s playing the same game anyways.
She may not do this intentionally just to hurt you,
it’s just that she’s a selfish little cutie who cares
more about her own happiness than anything else
in the world.
Is she using you?
So what do you do about it now that you know
she’s using you?
You have two options.
Walk out of her relationship drama before you get
Lose the love and just start using her back. With
any luck, by removing love out of the equation,
there’s a good chance you’ll behave more like a
bad boy instead of a lost puppy and make her
desire you a lot more!
It’s easy for a girl to use a guy because both sexes
are used to the ritual of a guy pursuing the girl.
Sometimes, she may reciprocate and fall in love. At
other times, she may just end up using you. So
what do you think, is she using you?
– LovePanky

be flirty and just the perfect girl you’ve been
waiting for.
But is this new relationship leaving you confused
and low on confidence?
She tells you she loves you, but the way she
behaves seems otherwise. Is she using you?
Every now and then, you may meet a girl who
seems to fit snugly into the dream definition of a
perfect girlfriend.
But if you ever feel a flicker of confusion in those
first few weeks, chances are, she’s using you or
she’s just put you on her waiting list until she
makes up her mind.
Is she using you? – The signs
It’s frustrating to realize that you’re being used,
even when you’re trying to be a great boyfriend or
a sex buddy.
She may try to convince you that she truly loves
you and wants to be with you, but five minutes
later, her behavior may change and she may just
act friendly all over again.
Ever been there? Read these signs to find out if
she’s using you.
#1 She wants her space… a lot!
Are you dating a girl who clings to you for a few
days, and then completely ignores you for the next
few days? While playing hard to get may excite a
guy, this is pushing the game too far.
Every time she ignores you or pushes you away,
you may find yourself falling more madly in love
with her. On the other hand, she’s probably
interested in a few other guys or sleeping with
them, just to work out her options. When a girl
claims to love a guy, and yet avoids the guy
completely for a few days every now and then,
there’s a good chance there’s another guy in her
#2 Behaves like a friend
Does your new girlfriend behave like a friend now
and then? She hugs you and cuddles you, and then
pushes you away and tells you it’s all happening
too fast and she’s not ready for it?
Ouch, any girl who behaves like a girlfriend but
prefers to stay friends is obviously using your love
and affection to feel better about herself.
#3 Her friends don’t know you
When a girl uses you, there’s a good chance you’re
never going to meet any of her friends. But if you
both do bump into a good friend of hers, does her
friend even realize who you are?
And if you see her with a group of her friends and
not one person recognizes your name, you’re in
serious trouble of being played into a game of I’ll-
#4 You’re not introduced as a boyfriend
This is a no brainer here. But it’s something most
guys in love almost always forgive and forget.
Have you ever been introduced as just a friend? If
she’s convinced that you’re the man in her life,
she’d proudly display you like a primped up puppy
in a dog show. But if she’s just using you, there’s a
very good chance that you relationship status will
remain as friends.
#5 She’s confused about your relationship status
Now she may be genuinely confused about the
kind of relationship both of you share, especially if
she’s just broken up with her guy or is still in a
relationship with some other guy. But the point is
she’s confused.
If she truly does love you, there’s nothing to be
confused about unless she’s still in love with
another guy. If that’s the case, you’re not the
winner here. You’re the scapegoat filling up the
blanks when her boyfriend or another guy doesn’t
have the time for her.
#6 She talks about her complicated love life
Do you spend more time consoling her or telling
her how the mistakes in her life aren’t really her
fault? Girls who end up using guys are confused
women who want to be reassured and loved all the
time. She may be losing the love of her own guy,
and may want you to reassure her about her own
relationship and fill her life with happiness and
extravagant gifts.
And yes, she wouldn’t mind cuddling up with you
once in a while for all the nice things you’ve been
doing for her. This is seriously messed up!
#7 She makes out but only when she wants to
You may sweet talk her and take her out to
expensive dinners, all in the hope of getting some
love and appreciation back from her. And of
course, a little bit of making out too.
But if you’re in love with a girl who’s using you,
nothing really matters. She’d let you dance on hot
coals almost all the time and make out with you
only when she feels like it. She initiates it and she
ends it, at her whims.
Her excuse: I’m still confused about my feelings for
you/for my own boyfriend/the three other guys in
my life.
#8 She dominates the relationship
Does she call you up whenever she feels like it, or
asks you to meet her at her whims and fancies? A
girl who throws her weight around a guy knows
she’s already got him wrapped around her little
finger. Don’t ever be that guy. You’d end up
shattered almost all the time and you’d lose all the
confidence you have.
Turn the table around and throw her around a
bit. Two things can happen here. She’d take you
more seriously, or she’s walk out of your life.
Either ways, it’s a good thing for you.
#9 She wants you to listen, but not the other
way around
Are you in love with a girl who loves talking about
her own life and her little problems? Does she tell
you about how bad her ex boyfriend was and why
she had to cheat on him just to show him she has
other options? Or does she confess to you about
making out with a few other guys and wants you
to tell her she’s not wrong and that she did the
right thing?
And on the other hand, every time you try telling
something to her, does she forget all about it or
feign drowsiness?
A girl who only wants to talk and feel good about
herself isn’t in love with you. She’s using you as a
priest to feel good about her own shortcomings. If
she did love you, she’d be more interested to know
about you and your life than whining about her
own guilty confessions.
#10 She’s in another relationship
Almost always, relationships where the guy is
being used starts off with conversations about
complicated love lives. The girl you like may
already be in a relationship, and with each
conversation you have, both of you may fall more
in love with each other. She wants to go out with
you, she loves to talk to you, and she can’t wait to
spend time and make out with you.
But she doesn’t want to leave her own boyfriend
or end her relationship with him. She tells you
she’s not happy, but she doesn’t do a thing about
If you find yourself experiencing any of these signs
that you’re being used, you better walk out of the
confusing affair before you end up with a broken
heart. After all, she’s probably got a few backups
with whom she’s playing the same game anyways.
She may not do this intentionally just to hurt you,
it’s just that she’s a selfish little cutie who cares
more about her own happiness than anything else
in the world.
Is she using you?
So what do you do about it now that you know
she’s using you?
You have two options.
Walk out of her relationship drama before you get
Lose the love and just start using her back. With
any luck, by removing love out of the equation,
there’s a good chance you’ll behave more like a
bad boy instead of a lost puppy and make her
desire you a lot more!
It’s easy for a girl to use a guy because both sexes
are used to the ritual of a guy pursuing the girl.
Sometimes, she may reciprocate and fall in love. At
other times, she may just end up using you. So
what do you think, is she using you?
– LovePanky

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