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Tuesday, 11 November 2014


Some relationship are broken no doubt because of distance. Its true that a person maybe far from the eyes and close to ur heart.  Distance, especially if a long one, is
a real drawback in a relationship. It
could end up in a home comming or
simply drifting away. In most cases
where distance is getting into a
couple's relationship, both must do some effort to
work it out. It always takes two to tango and
when one is left on the dance floor to dance with
the beat, everything will soon prove to be a real
show just to humor the one that stays to watch.
Though normally, people in this kind of situation
find it hard to survive, the fighting-power of real
love still works out magic in the end. However,
we need not see things in its fairy view, but rather
work out on it in a more practical sense. So we
need to therefore take to take some time studying
why things happen as they are? How we can
prevent their happening? How we can handle the
situation once we start facing it. It doesn't matter
how a problem occurs or how many problems
you had encountered but the real issue is how
you deal with your problems.
Facing the Real Situation
At the start, it could be that you are about to be in
it, you are in it or you are in the verge of getting
out of it. Whatever, the case you are in, you had
to face the truth that you are facing a dilemma
that only you and your partner can deal with. Even
in a situation where only is left to face the
problem, still you need to be tough to get on with
life. Everything is not permanent, no matter what
happens, you got to get moving. Life does not end
in a difficult situation. Just as there's always a
new morning, one day you will wake up on the
brighter side of the bed. It only depends on you on
how long you will hang on with those worst
situations in your life.
Adjusting to Drawbacks in your Relationship
Before the situation
There are several drawbacks you had to contend
with while you are in a relation. A long distance
relationship is always so difficult to handle
especially at the start. How annoying it could be
for you not to be able to see, do things or share
activities with someone you love as you used to
do before and suddenly everything stops because
of the long distance that separates you from each
This kind of situation will put you and your partner
on various test drive to see if you had patience,
love and commitment to see through those days.
Here again, you need to be more realistic and
accept what life has to offer you. Be contented
that you have someone to love. Know the real
essence of Agape love. This does not deal only
with its spiritual meaning but putting into
practicality, Agape love connotes a kind of love
that goes beyond time, distance and commitment.
It's a kind of unconditional love. Settle your mind
with the fact that you are in love with your partner
and you are happy with it. It's not easy doing this.
It would depend on strong you are in letting your
mind control over your emotions. You need to be
stronger than who you think you are to do this.
But somehow, through the situation you're in at
the moment, you will find out the true relationship you are be continue

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